A few years ago a couple of horse jockeys died in a fire in a block of flats in Malton. The caretaker, of Brotherton, North Yorkshire, started the fire in a drunken act of revenge after being refused entry to a party, his trial at Leeds Crown Court heard in December 2010.
He lit rubbish which had been left in the communal entrance to the Tannery flats.
The fire quickly took hold as the stairwell acted like a chimney, forcing many of the occupants to jump from the building or climb down drainpipes. Unfortunately the two young jockeys were unable to escape due to being on the top floor.
The caretaker was convicted of manslaughter and sent to prison.
The Landlord from Norton, pleaded guilty to breaching four fire safety regulations. He has been jailed for 12 months.
Leeds Crown Court heard that the landlord had stored combustible materials under the communal stairs to the flats.
He had also failed to do a fire risk assessment.
Two years after the fire he breached the same regulations at a different property.
Please don’t let this happen to your business by getting a fire risk assessment done by ourselves you could help prevent tragedies like this happening. For the sake of £197 is it really worth risking it!