Malton deaths could have been avoided

The Malton deaths is such a tragedy that could have been averted, my heart goes out to the families of such a disaster.

Unfortunately, a landlord who didn’t start the fire will be going through hell I would imagine right now. It is such a shame that someone who didn’t start the fire has the deaths of two young people on his hands. He is due to be prosecuted in May for failing to carry out a fire risk assessment of the the flats at Tannery flats on Buckrose Court. You can see the full story here.

Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 it is by law that you must carry out a fire risk assessment should you employ more than five people however this also applies should you be a landlord or you are a “responsible person” for HMO’s.

Caution, should you fail to have a fire risk assessment done you could get prosecuted by the Fire Service don’t let this happen to you. Get one done for a  from only £197.


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